Saturday, March 17, 2007

a slow and relaxing March Break

weekly update:

Not too much to relate. It was March Break so I had all 3 kids with me in the mornings and then my own 2 to entertain the rest of the time.
Wasn't too bad. Mostly watching tv, movies and playing video games, punctuated by hockey, hockey and hockey.
We had a playdate with Jacqui on Tuesday and I managed to fit in a dodgeball practice and NMF on Thursday before heading to the Sens game. Every other night except Monday we took in some form of hockey.
Today was more of the same with liam's day starting out with a hockey practice (though Greg was home and was a nice man to let me sleep in while he took the boy!), then Greg went to do a light weights workout while we kept Rich company packing for his trip. A little more NMF for luck on his trip then we took Rich to catch his flight from the train station. don't ask...
Card night tonight with An&Gerry.

not too much exciting this week...


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