Saturday, February 17, 2007

Liam's hockey game on NHL ice was fun. It was a little crowded because they had 6 teams out on the ice at the same time. It was very well organized and I'm pretty impressed because there were a lot of kids there. Got some great pictures of Liam on the ice and I'm pretty sure he had a good time. He was so proud of the medal he got for participating in the day.

This picture is courtesy of Rich. It's one of my favourites.

I made brown sugar cookies for Valentine's Day. I rolled out the dough and cut out hearts. Olivia helped me decorate them with candy sprinkles in red, purple and pink.

Went to dodgeball Valentine's Day and brought the kids to watch us play. I hung back a lot this time out and played pretty poorly throughout. I was generally the first person out and all of my balls were caught by someone on the other team. Good news? I didn't get a ball to the face or head the entire night!

I've been invited to Facebook by my sister. It's kind of fun since almost all of my cousins are there. I don't really know my cousins all that well as I'm the oldest and for all intents and purposes am pretty much another generation from them. But it's nice to have some contact with them in addition to the random family gatherings I would normally see them at only once or twice a year. I would love to see some more of my friends up there. I guess I'll have to send out some invites and get people I actually know using Facebook too. There's actually quite a lot of crap out there but I think it would be fun to have a nice circle of friends.

Have also continued my Oscar movie-watching mission. This week I rented The Departed and Marie Antoinette.
The Departed was pretty good. I enjoyed it and the end just went all hog-wild crazy! Like a Shakespeare tragedy for crying out loud. Very entertaining of course. I didn't like Matt Damon's character at all. I mean, he played him so well I think and he's just not so nice. He did a good job. Mark Wahlberg cracked me up with his quips all the time and Alec Baldwin was really good too. and um yeah... Leo is pretty hot! and I suppose I should mention that he acted pretty well too.

I enjoyed Marie Antoinette too. It's not an overly exciting film and it's to be expected from Sofia Coppola. It was so delicious to watch though. It's definitely my pick for Best Costume. It was interesting from an educational perspective though how much of it is actually true is up in the air. I should probably do some research on who Marie Antoinette was and what happened to her. I liked the story though and see the French queen in a new light. I also enjoyed the modern twist that went along with the period costumes and sets. I've been to Versailles twice now and loved it immensely. It's one of my favourite places in the world that I've been. I think it's because my best friend first took me there and she showed me through the castle translating all the french museum placards for me and giving me so much of the history of the place that she learned in school there. She then finished our tour by stating that she was making up a lot of the stuff she had told me (well the museum plaques anyway) though I'm pretty sure she was accurate on the history lesson. My favourite part of our trip though was the Petit Triannon, Marie Antoinette's country getaway. It's so quaint and beautiful and Michelle and I picked houses from the village as our own. The second time I went back with Greg I told him which house was mine and which was Michelle's. He then got to pick his own too. Such good memories!
I've just rented Flags of Our Fathers thinking that it was one of the Best Movie nominees. I confused it with Letters from Iwo Jima though. But Flags is up for Sound Editing or something so I'll hopefully watch it this weekend.


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