Saturday, June 03, 2006

oh boy... coming back to Blogger I feel like I have to relearn this thing all over again! I don't even remember how it is I can post but I found it!

so yeah, so much for keeping you all posted. I was reminded just last week by my oldest friend in the world that someone might still be reading this! (and by oldest, I in no way refer to her age. I've just known her the longest)

well, here's another break down of goings-on since March:

- looking back, I didn't even mention some of my New Year's resolutions. It's now mid-year and of course, most of them have gone the way of the dodo. But one of my resolutions was to learn how to play guitar! Granted, I have not practiced in a couple of months now but I've learned a few chords and can play a few simple songs. Given, I play them slow and quite choppy but my fingers have grown a bit of thick skin on the tips. And Greg has gotten back into playing again! I even bought a lovely stand for his old guitar. I really should get back to practising again...

- sadly, the Ottawa Senators made an early exit from the NHL playoffs (again) this season. I didn't go so far as to weep the misfortune but I think that's only because I refused to watch the goal that put us out. I really think I would have cried had I seen it. :(
but go Edmonton! kick Carolina's butt!
and for me, I now have FIFA World Cup to look forward to! Go Orange! Go Netherlands!

- Rich went and bought the game Dance Dance Revolution for his GameCube. It's the game with the dance mat and you step on the arrows with the beat of the songs playing in the game. It's great! So great, that I had to go out and get one for myself. I like it for the bit of exercise it provides me. Greg loves it because he feels he never needs to bring me out to dance ever again! and the kids love it too! You should see them dancing. It's a riot!

oh excuse me for a tick while I take a break from blogging to DDR...

ummm... that was a much longer break than I anticipated!

- we got all new appliances for the kitchen! new fridge, stove/oven and dishwasher.
the fridge is nice because now it's just got a freezer on top instead of being a side-by-side. greg hated the side-by-side. And it's fresh, new and clean!
I also was able to get my dishwasher with the stainless steel interior. so choice!
We also got a convection oven with a glass stovetop. Greg wasn't sure about the glasstop but it's working out pretty nicely. We also installed a new range good and that area of our kitchen has brightened up significantly! we used to have a dark brooding stove with 2 ovens that just hulked in that corner. I was a little afraid for the guys who had to bring it out. They did a great job and had some fancy method using straps for lugging the monster out. I was impressed.
I'm looking forward to replacing the floors in the kitchen (vinyl to cork) and Greg's looking forward to replacing all the cabinets (himself!). so ambitious are we...

and in the vein of home improvement, I finally got curtains for the living room to replace the broken blinds that were hanging there. They're maroon (very reminiscent of my high school colours) with white sheers. I also just recently purchased new lamps from IKEA because my black torch konked out on me. Is nice to be able to use those energy saving bulbs in the new lamps.

- I went to see Lord of the Rings the Musical.

*pause for incredulity*

yeah, it was not bad. I went because my brother was generous enough to get me two tickets for Christmas. In general it wasn't bad. The sets were stunning and the costumes amazing. To be honest though, I just didn't see the necessity of creating a musical, especially so soon after the great job Peter Jackson did with the movies. ah well, I can't complain, free tickets and the like...

- the boy's teacher suggested I have him seen by a speech therapist. Everything is developing fine but he has a slight problem with the SH and CH sounds. After seeing the therapist we were simply given some games and exercises for him to practice the sounds. I haven't gone through them yet but when I think about it and hear him saying it incorrectly I try to help him with the right sound. I used to not say anything when he pronounced things incorrectly because I wanted him just to develop on his own (and how cute is it when kids say things wrong all the time?!) but since it's affected people's understanding of the things he says sometimes I've started to correct him.

ok, that's enough for today I think. I will continue again shortly...


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