Wednesday, December 07, 2005

So I don't sound like such a grumpy old man I'm going to post something fun (though I am grrr'ing about my teeth being sore, but I won't bore you with the details or the hissy fit).

ok, go download this song and I challenge you NOT to shake your money-maker:

darn... can't get yousendit to work right now. This challenge is on hold until I can actually get this song downloaded.
*trying not to have a full-blown hissy fit*


and while I'm on the music train of thought, I found that song that I heard on some movie soundtrack but couldn't remember the words and only the tune. It's called Mad World by Gary Jules. If anyone is so inclined to download it and yousendit to me I would be eternally grateful. Of course, if no one bites then I'll just do it myself when I'm home...


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