Thursday, December 08, 2005

I made it to RI!
It's currently 4:30am and Greg and I are up enjoying a pint (each) of Ben&Jerry's. :D
(Yes, I did go to the factory but yes, I did make it to RI!)

As soon as we finished dinner though once we got in, we lost power in the room, so at 9pm we all tooted off to bed. We got up however because the kids were hacking but I think we'll be off to sleep again soon to get a few zzz's before 7am.

will write more tomorrow, especially regarding the drive down.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What flavor, what flavour are you enjoying? My fave is Chunky Monkey. Those Ben and Jerry bastards. They make some sweet ice cream.

8:26 a.m., December 08, 2005  
Blogger Lara said...

oh my favourite is definitely Chocolate Fudge Brownie. mmmm... that's what I had last night!

and I also picked up Fossil Fuel. Can you see the chocolate theme running throughout? I was able to bring the ice cream from Vermont to RI because I bought a fancy new cooler and had some dry ice to keep everything frozen solid. Got the hub some Peanut Butter Cup (which he enjoyed immensely) and Cherry Garcia. Also bought some Berry Extraordinaire for the boy because it hasn't any bad stuff in it for him!

hee so enough about the ice cream (because I could go on and on!). Holy cow, we should so make a road trip to Vermont together just to enjoy the ice cream factory! :D

Hey! I'm sure greg will mention it but thanks so much for the birthday gift you sent him! I will send you an email later with more details. I've got to go for lunch now but I can write later this aft or evening.

11:50 a.m., December 08, 2005  

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