Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Honestly I wish I was better at updating here because then you readers could get a better idea of what was going on with us.
But here I am today to make a new start... well it's a start anyway. we'll see how long it takes before I forget to post again.

well the last time I posted was mid-december and I think it would be too much to update on everything's that's gone on since then.

let me break it down a bit though:

- had Christmas, was fairly uneventful but enjoyable nonetheless. didn't take very many pictures at all. Scrapbook for Christmas '06 will be rather sparse.

- New Year's was also relatively uneventful but again enjoyable nonetheless. had a kid-free couple of days, was highly de-stressing and we did pretty much nothing with ourselves!

- oh major news: my sister is preggers! due in July '06, right on schedule. found out over Christmas

- baby girl had her third birthday end of January. Was a week-long celebration with gifts coming in from family, and a couple of festivities on the day of and on the weekend for her tea party. Everyone got dressed up to celebrate the tea party. It was a small affair but it was fun.

- baby boy has a new tooth that's grown in behind his baby teeth, on the bottom, right in the middle. We went to the dentist to make sure this was ok and if we had to take any ortho steps (already!) but he assured us that it was normal and showed us that the two front teeth are actually loose already. Once they come out the adult teeth will simply be pushed out by themselves with the tongue during the normal course of eating and talking. *phew* no ortho worries just yet...

and that takes us to the end of February pretty much.
not too much going on here really but as I blog more often you'll get a taste for what we're up to day-to-day.

Talk to you all soon!


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