Thursday, February 08, 2007

Because I have 2 places that I blog on the net I find myself so delinquent in updating this one. I will really make an effort to remedy that.

Well, the New Year has come and gone and I won't bother making much comment about that now. It was a good holiday though.

We got back into our routines nicely after the holiday, Liam with school, Olivia to her pre-school classes. Olivia is back in ballet classes and Liam has hockey and Beaver meetings weekly. I am going to drop-in ballet classes when Greg's in town. Greg also signed up to play dodgeball once a week!
It looked like Greg was going to be working more in Ottawa and the first week back he had a class at home. Then most of his Ottawa work got cancelled and in January he was in Minneapolis and Dallas.
With dodgeball I actually got to play a game when Greg was in Dallas! It was fun but the hits to the head I could have done without.

We also celebrated Olivia's 4th birthday. We had a great big princess party for her held at her grandparents house. My nephew was christened the same weekend so we combined the events there. We had 15 kids come to the birthday party. It was crazy but all the kids were so well-behaved and the parents stayed to look after their own kids. I think Olivia had a really nice time.

The week after the party, Liam had a PD day on the Friday so we trekked out to Montreal to finally visit Michelle and the girls. Naomi is already 1 year old and I had yet to meet her and Lola is getting ever so big so I was very happy to have made the trip. We lunched at St Hubert then did some sledding at Mont Royal. What a nice hill and the kids really enjoyed it. We had good weather, there were very few people there and by the end we had a soft snow falling on us as we were finishing up. Unfortunately that translated to us having to head home early to avoid being on the greasy highways too late. It wasn't too bad (hooray for snow tires and 4-wheel drive!) and we got home in good time. This weekend I'm looking forward to hosting Michelle and family here for skating on the canal!

February continues to be business as usual with a few fun events sprinkled throughout.
Last weekend we helped celebrate Baby Aidan's 1st birthday. He was a little ill-tempered but he got through the festivities and I think he enjoyed his chocolate cake.
We also went to the Ottawa Sens Skills competition. It was a really fun event watching the guys compete against each other in a relaxed environment. I'd go again and I think the whole family enjoyed it. Except for maybe Olivia. She might either be too young yet or she just doesn't care too much for it.

Coming up this weekend, Liam gets to play hockey on NHL ice at the Scotiabank Place! I'm so excited! Then skating on the canal.


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