Thursday, March 01, 2007

back from dodgeball... we lost. But we played a hell of a couple of games. Well the other team members did. Rich totally rocked it and so did Steve. man, does Steve ever have a wicked throw. I just got by trying not to get beaned in the head. And my throws are so weak I may as well not bother throwing. The other team always catches it and puts me out, literally.

A few of us went out for eats and drinks afterwards and I really enjoyed getting to know some of the people a little better. Spencer really is a riot and Steve and Mae are so nice. Sonny just ate the whole time. He's a machine. but he's usually very quiet anyway.
Then Greg came in about an hour after he was scheduled to arrive so he didn't make it out for drinks with us. The whole team however will be attending the dodgeball practice tomorrow. It should be fun. Not as much pressure to perform, you know. And we'll be bringing the kids with us so I think it will be quite enjoyable all around.

anyway, getting back to my Paris trip. After a full day at the Louvre I was pretty knackered again and I headed back to the hotel for a quick nap while I waited for Greg to finish work. When he got there we headed right back into the city. We went straight to the Arc de Triomphe to take some night pictures. Then proceeded to walk the entire 5km Champs Elysees to Place de la Concorde. This is one of Greg's favourites sights. From there we found a little brasserie near Chatelet les Halles and had some wine and dinner before heading back to the hotel. The walk was a little cold but we went through a chichi part of the fashion district and I window-sighed at all the pretty pretty.

That was my trip. The next day I woke early in the morning (7am Paris, 1am Toronto) to catch my flight home. I had two cat naps on the plane and arrived in Toronto about 2pm. That's already a 12 hour day. I hung around with the kids thinking I should probably nap but didn't get around to it. I then went for dinner at the Crock 'n Barrel and a game of 5 pin bowling. I know... I'm a machine. I did have a really good sleep that night though and the next morning packed the kids in the car and made it back to Ottawa in 4 hours! Got here right in time to get Greg from the airport as he arrived on his flight back from Paris.

well that's a good update for now. I'll try to get on again to talk about some of the more mundane stuff.
Up for the weekend though: dodgeball practice Thursday night, Valentine getaway with the hubby in Wakefield on Friday (which I remembered I had booked as I was on the plane to Paris. I'm getting pretty spoiled!), 70s Party with the dodgeball team on Saturday (sans kids!) and then Greg flies to Kansas on Sunday.
oh and I'm doing dress rehearsals for daycaring Baby Aidan for K&J this week. last few days haven't been too bad. Tomorrow is the test as Karen won't be here. She starts work officially on Monday.


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