It was my first full week of caring for Baby Aidan. I survived!
lol honestly it's not as bad as I make out. Sure there's the crying and the diaper changing, but it's not all bad. There are just some things that I've gotten used to not having to handle anymore. I think the worst is really the crying. With my kids, I can simply say stop crying or soothe and comfort and the crying stops. With babies, there's no instant communication. There's no understanding yet. So when Aidan cries he can't explain to me why he's crying. Chances are, he doesn't really know why he's crying. At least with my kids, they cry because they stubbed their toe or they didn't get what they want. With babies, they could be crying simply because they're cold or frustrated or just wanting to be a fuss! That's really what gets me the most taking care of babies. But when Aidan is smiling and laughing and playing nice, well, I have no complaints.
The times he cries the most are of course during nap times. All week he cried for an hour in his playpen because he didn't want to nap. I'm hoping that he's just not used to being around here. New surroundings, new noises. It's far less quiet here than at his home. Only on Friday did he actually nap for almost 30 minutes, but even then he just whined a bit until I decided to get him. The rest of the days, it was full out wailing.
It's funny how quickly one can forget what it's like to have a baby. I had 2! You'd think I'd be able to handle getting this kid to nap for me. *sigh*
Olivia's final dance class of the winter session was on Monday. Aidan and I attended the Open House. The girl was lovely. She loves to lead the other girls in the exercises. She likes being the leader for marching and she always volunteers to be the first to show her pony gallops. It greatly amuses me when Miss Nancy tells her to flap her wings like a butterfly, with nice long arms and slow flapping, and instead she holds her hands by her shoulders and just flaps her hands really quickly. Just so cute. I couldn't take video this time because I had Aidan to watch this time, but maybe next time someone can keep me company.
Dance begins again after the March Break so I have to remember to sign her up again.
I watched The Prestige. I had some problems hearing the dialogue and I find that very distracting. I can't say exactly what my problem was. A number of things perhaps. The sound quality in the movie may have been bad and I have a loud clock in my tv room that ticks and chimes every 15 min. I really should remember to turn off the chime if I'm watching something. In addition everyone in the movie has an accent. It's set in Britain but I had a hard time figuring out who was supposed to have english accents and who had american accents. It was hard too because half of the americans were putting on british accents and other brit actors were putting on american accents. of course hugh jackman got rid of his aussie accent to do the english one. I also couldn't figure out if the actors were dropping their accents here and there so it was all kind of confusing and very distracting to say the least.
However, over the past week since I've seen it, I kept thinking about the movie. So all in all, it must have had some impact on me. I did like the story and the magic part was very interesting. I saw the Illusionist which was more of a story about the people. This one I found to be more about the magic. But how the people were affected by the magic was fascinating as well in this movie.
Liam finally made it to hockey! He's missed it since middle of February for different reasons.
He had a good game too considering he hadn't skated in nearly 3 weeks! His first shift was in net and right off the bat he made a fantastic save off a hard shot by the other team. It was good.
I then dropped both the kids off at K&J's before heading to dodgeball. I was on my own this week since both Greg and Rich were out of town. I had a good arm practising before the game but I totally broke under pressure during the game. I couldn't throw at all and ended up having so many of my balls caught. ugh
I did get one nice out. The guy I threw it to put out his hand to catch it and it just slipped through his fingers. It rocked!
So we started out really strong yet again with a perfect first game. Things went awry though somewhere because we ended up losing 12-8. Good times though. We have a great team and the other team was fun to play against too. There were a couple of guys with rocket arms though. A little scary to have those balls whizzing past the head at high speed!
Dodgeball. good times. You should try it.
Thursday night was Ottawa Sens vs Toronto Leafs hockey. I took Liam to the game. It was a good one. We smoked 'em 5-1 but there was some concern in the 3rd period that the team would choke in the end. But no such worries. They played a good solid game. It was a late night as we didn't get out of the parking lot until 10:45p.
Friday night was another late night as we headed over to play with Isabelle then to the airport to get hubby at 11p.
Saturday Greg was kind enough to bring the boy to hockey practice at 10a. CAA came by afterwards to check out Greg's car. It wasn't starting and we wanted them to check if it was the battery. It turned out it was just a blown fuse. Then we went for Chinese buffet. We headed to Canadian Tire to get a new fuse for the car and then back home to relax. Saturday night proved to be another late-nighter because we went over to Ryan and Leila's for dinner. We kept the kids up way late!
After so many late nights I made the kids go to bed early last night even though there's no school this week because of March Break.
So yeah, March Break. I'm home alone with 3 kids in the morning. Today was a little rough. My kids were great though and slept in until 8:30am. So early to bed and late to rise. It was awesome! And they only woke up because Aidan was crying when Joey left him with me. The kid was quite a fuss today. He didn't want to drink any of his milk (though in talking with Karen afterwards it could be that he was just not thirsty. will likely take out one of the bottles I'm supposed to feed him.) and he didn't want his snack either. *eyeroll* I need to find me some patience...
It's quite nice out right now. Temperature is above freezing, maybe 5 or 6C. I'm thinking after lunch I will take the kids for a short walk to Rich's to get our GameCube memory card back. I keep forgetting it there. Happy March Break!
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