Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Thursday was a bit of busy day.  (Yes my weekend started Thursday!)
Aidan came over for our first full dress rehearsal where Joey brought him in the morning by himself and Karen came to pick him up.  I did mention that I'm providing daycare for K&J mornings now because Karen's going back to work.  Karen stayed with us Tuesday and Wednesday but this was the first day it was just me.  It was fine but Aidan was a little more fussy.  Could be that I was pretty tired though and he also was cranky from having gotten up so early and he's teething.  Was good though.  We got through it ok but changing his bum was an event in itself since I had to do it at least 4 times!

After feeding Olivia lunch we took her to school and then Greg and I headed out to lunch too.  The Works in Westboro.  such a mighty fine burger joint.  Greg made me try the Martini Poutini (think poutine with onion rings all in a fair size bucket!) and I had a nutella/banana milkshake.  So good!  But I was totally stuffed by the end.
Greg and I then went shopping for a new computer bag for his new laptop.  We went to Capital City Luggage where I had some of his luggage repaired and he bought his newest Briggs & Reilly suitcase.  He ended up with a B&R messenger bag-type laptop bag.  He loves it so.  It was a little pricey if you ask me honestly but it's well worth it because he's away so often.
So Greg's pretty well decked out now.  New watch, suitcase, laptop, laptop bag.  All fairly big-ticket items and I'm sure I'm missing something in that list too.

Once we got the kids from school we headed downtown for dodgeball practice.  One of the girls on our team is in the Reserves and she was able to book a drill hall for us to use to throw the balls around.  We got there so early.  Very unlike me!  but since we had to figure out parking and we'd never been to this place before we left 45 minutes early.  We ended up having a terrific practice.  Everyone made it out, except for those with injuries.  I have to say I had a good couple of games.  Once, it came down to Greg and Rich on the other team against my very own lonesome.  It wasn't looking good but I kept dodging the balls and first I got Greg out (woohoo!) and then I got Rich out!  I totally rocked!  :D
We took the kids with us and they got a kick out of it but Liam liked it best.  After the practice Olivia told us that she doesn't really like long stuff.  lol  the practice was about 2 hours long by the end of it and she was getting pretty bored.  There were a couple of close calls too.  Liv nearly got beaned pretty good by Sonny.  You could see her hair whip back as the ball passed her head!  I'm pretty sure Liam got a few body shots from random balls.
After the practice the whole team went to NMF for dinner.  It was a really fun evening.

I feel really badly for the kids though.  Up to this point, we've missed a little over 2 weeks of their extra-curricular activities so that I could do my own thing.  Liam's missed hockey and Beavers for our dodgeball games and practices as well as for my little trip to Paris.  They obviously both missed school that week and Liv also missed a dance class because of my own stupidity (I forgot to bring her dance shoes to class with us!)

Anyway, Friday we got a little snowed in.  The weather was kind of crappy in the morning so that the boy didn't have to go to school with the buses not running.  Late morning/early afternoon we got a ton of snow but by mid-afternoon the weather looked to clear up and we were good to go on our Valentine getaway in Wakefield.  We dropped the winks off at Rich's and drove the 40 minutes into Quebec side to Le Moulin Inn & Spa.
The roads were good and clear and it didn't take us long to get there at all.  It's a lovely area and we had a very nice time.  We stuffed ourselves on the table d'hote for dinner and then again on the breakfast buffet the next day.  Before dinner we played a little game of chess over aperitifs and then we played pool after dinner.  Greg kicked my butt 2-1.  And I only got one game because he scratched on the 8-ball.
Regardless, we had very lovely and relaxing together time before Greg heads out on another big stretch of travel.

We got back before noon on Saturday so that Greg could take care of some things before he left for Kansas.  He dropped me off at Rich's to get the kids but we ended up hanging out there all afternoon playing Wii.
Greg was supposed to take his car out but I think the battery is dead in his car.  That's what you get for not driving it for over a month!

Saturday night me and the guys left the kids (again!) with Andre so we could head to a 70's party held by one of the dodgeball guys.  I feel kind of bad that no one else showed up except for us and another friend of his and his girlfriend.  But hell, I had a great time!
We played ping pong, Cranium and Twister.  Doesn't get better than that!  I have to get myself my own game of Twister.  I'm pretty sure the kids would love it!

Sunday turned out to be pretty relaxing. We left the kids to sleep at Rich's and then we headed over for breakfast.  ok ok, it was brunch.
It was more hanging out there for us playing more Wii until it was time for Rich to head out to Sudbury and Greg to get packed and out to Kansas.

It was a pretty busy weekend!


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